Floatation Therapy

At Lifestream Floatation and Wellness we use a Sensory Deprivation Tank. – one of a handful of floatation tanks in the Midlands and the only one available to the public in Leicester.

What is ...

Floatation Therapy

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Floatation therapy is a sensory deprivation treatment where the body floats in a tank in a small body of salt water.


The recommended treatment is up to 60 minutes inside the tank and is used to aid relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety and boost creativity.

What are the benefits of floatation therapy?

  • The main benefits of floatation therapy are rest and relaxation. Floating is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating for both mind and body. The sixty minute treatment allows the mind to shut off from all other stimuli, tricking it into a state which is both meditative and healing.

  • Entering this state of calm can help to boost mood, release tension and increase levels of mental clarity.

Who Need Specially

Who is floatation therapy for?

Floatation therapy is a powerful tool for relieving stress and attaining good health, providing many physical and mental benefits. During the floating session, the client rests in a controlled area (floating tank/chamber), floating on a solution of highly saturated saltwater. The person cannot sense anything; sound, light, smell or even gravity! This experience is very relaxing and refreshes the body and mind. It can reduce harmful stress hormones, relieve pain and depression, and stimulate the release of beneficial endorphins in the brain.

Floating Therapy offers a unique remedy to our busy modern life. In the serene sanctuary of the float pod, nothing can reach you; the outside world is now non-existent. your focus can be turned inside out and you can experience amazing things: relaxation, meditation, pain relief, stress relief, clever thinking and problem-solving.

Relax as you float easily in our stylish floating pods. with specialised saltwater, which gives a floating effect you can get from the dead sea. In water kept at body temperature, you will lose track of the boundary between water and your body and feel the relief of not having gravity as it floats. While floating, you are comforted in that state between waking up and sleeping, your mind and body are not affected by the daily pressures and difficulties of daily life, which leaves you free to explore and rejuvenate.

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